The Arsenal Files 4
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[NOTE: This is the text file taken from issues of _Possibilities_. It is quite
old and there have been many additions to the System Definition Language (SDL).
Please note that any page number references are probably no longer valid. Also I
left in the old-fashioned"typewriter-style" 2-space punctuation.
That being stated, it is an excellent introduction to SDL. SDL is probably
easier to learn and use than a main BBS .BATch file and infinitely faster than
One of the things that you might try: after using this introduction, you may
well find that using numerous MENUXXXX.SDL files much faster and more convenient
than using a single one. Using a text editor, such as Q-Edit, will - with the
addition of DOSKEY (included with DOS v5 and later) - make editing and
compiling .SDLfiles smooth and close to effortless.
Enjoy!! Gray Shockley / Board on Boards BBS / postmaster@compcomm.com ]
An SDL Primer
by Alan Bechtold
Copyright 1990 by eSoft, Incorporated.
All Rights Reserved
Note: The following four part series on using SDL is reprinted with
permission from the eSoft possibilities newsletter.
Possibilities is a monthly customer support publication of:
eSoft, Incorporated
15200 E. Girard Avenue
Suite 2550
Aurora, Co 80014
This series of articles may not be reproduced in any form except by inclusion
of the above copyright notice. This file is authorized for distribution
without charge only if it is unchanged in any way. Any use of this information in any
other way must include proper credit to its source.
Part 1: Getting started with SDL
The idea of a "computer language" conjures up images of all-night sessions in
front of a terminal -- struggling to master a complex new way to talk to your
computer. SDL -- the TBBS System Definition Language Compiler -- isn't that
way at all.
SDL is just a different way to design and maintain all of your TBBS system's
menus. SDL's approach to TBBS menu construction and maintenance is easy
to learn. With SDL, you use your favorite word processor or text editor to
write out all of your TBBS menus in an ASCII text file. It's like writing a
letter, but you have to learn to write it in terms that the SDL compiler will
understand, so it can follow your instructions and build the TBBS menus you
The first step is to understand how the SDL compiler works. The SDL
compiler reads your SDL source file (the ASCII text file I mentioned above)
and, like a duti- ful French chef, follows your commands, creating TBBS
menus exactly as you've specified.
Because you may already have menus you built with MEDIT, the SDL
decompiler is also provided. The SDL decompiler takes TBBS menus that
already exist on your system and creates an SDL source file for your system.
This allows you to start using SDL whenever you're ready. You can start with
the MEDIT menus you've got now, without worrying about re-doing
anything you've already done on your system.
Since most TBBS system designers start with MEDIT and already have at least
a few TBBS menus they're using on their systems, let's start by getting
familiar with the SDL decompiler.
Pick one of your menu files -- a simple one would be best to start with -- and
we'll decompile it together. Since I don't have any way to know which
existing menu you've selected to decompile I'll use your top level menu --
MENU0000.CTL -- in the following examples.
Make sure the program SDLDC.COM is in the same subdirectory as the menu
file, then type:
The "/M:0000" on the the end of the above command is an option that tells
SDLDC to decompile only the single menu file named after the "/M:".
Typing the above command will decompile the menu file MENU0000.CTL,
and create an ASCII text file named SAMPLE.SDL. This is the SDL source file
that is your menu written in SDL format. You can look at it with any word
processor or text editor.
In fact, go ahead -- use your word processor to look at SAMPLE.SDL. Then
look at the your MENU0000.CTL file with MEDIT (the original menu file
itself isn't changed or destroyed by SDLDC.COM). You'll definitely gain some
insight into the way SDL works.
For example, the ASCII text SDL source file for a simple menu to read
messages on your system might look like this:
<R>ead Messages
Key=R Type=6 Opt Data=Bulletin Board
. . .
The first line in the above example -- Menu: 0000 -- tells the SDL compiler
that all text that follows, until the line reading EndMenu: is reached contains
the specifications for a single TBBS menu named 0000.
Billing:7, the next line, indicates that the above menu will accrue time
against the user's account in Billing Class 7, as specified in ULEDIT by
the TBBS system designer. If this line is absent, the menu is assigned to
Billing Class 0 by default.
Next comes the line that reads Title:. This command -- like the Menu: and
EndMenu: commands -- tells the SDL compiler that the text which follows --
until the line that reads EndTitle: is reached -- will be displayed as the
title of the specified menu.
The Entry: command specifies the various options offered to the user on this
particular menu. The specifications that follow the Entry: command ("A1="
"Key=" "Type=6" and "Opt Data=Bulletin Board"), indicate the A1 flags that
must be set for the user to access this specific menu option, the key that will
activate the option, the option's TBBS Type (in this case, the Receive
Messages option), and the Opt Data that must be specified for that menu
option. These serve the same functions as their counterparts in MEDIT.
You should see by now that the text in an SDL source file is very much like
the layout of a menu when you look at it with MEDIT. That's because SDL
was designed to extend and broaden MEDIT, to replace it totally.
If you wish, you can also decompile all the menus on your TBBS system into
a single ASCII SDL source file. To do this, just type:
If you leave OFF the optional /M: argument that was included in our first
step, SDLDC will decompile every menu in your system into the single source
file you've named. This file will contain all of your TBBS system's menus, in
easy-to-modify ASCII text, and will afford you a complete overview of your
system at all times.
It also allows you to use all the powerful features your favorite word
processor or text editor has to offer modifying and updating your system's
menus. Control codes can also be entered in SDL source files, so you can
build menus incorporating ANSI or IBM graphics.
Now it's time to compile the menu(s) we just decompiled. Make sure the
program SDL.COM is in the same subdirectory as SAMPLE.SDL. Then, type:
and the SDL compiler will compile the ASCII text file, SAMPLE.SDL, that was
created when you decompiled the menu(s) from your own system, back into
.CTL file form. This new .CTL file would include any changes we made to the
source file with your text editor -- if we had made any.
Because you can define all of your system's menus in a single ASCII .SDL text
file, you can also instruct SDL to compile only a single menu from an .SDL
file. You do this by following the above command with a slash, "M:" and the
name of the single menu you want compiled. In our example, you'd type:
to instruct the SDL compiler to compile only the MENU0000.CTL menu file
from SAMPLE.SDL, even if it contained source code for all of your system's
menus. This option allows you to keep your entire system's menu definitions
in a single source file, but still makes it easy to make changes to individual
To see how SDL works with your entire system, type the following:
This will make SDLDC decompile ALL the menus on your TBBS system into
a single SDL source file, named SAMPLE.SDL. When the compiler's through,
load up your favorite word processor again and take a look at SAMPLE.SDL.
This time you'll see every menu in your TBBS system, written out in SDL
source code, ready to modify, change, or compile again.
Now, let's compile only the menu from your system that we decompiled as
our first step in this tutorial. To do this, type:
You will see that SDL only compiles and replaces MENU0000.CTL even
though the SAMPLE.SDL file contains all of the menus in your system.
There are two more options you can use when you run the SDL compiler:
LISTING and / T.
SDL's LISTING option creates a fully expanded ASCII text file of a specified
single menu or of your entire system, with all the macros you used in your
original SDL source file fully expanded. This is useful when you begin
defining Macros in your SDL source.
SDL Macros are just like the macros used in many applications programs or
with DOS. They allow you to specify groups of commands, even entire
menus, with a single keyword. We'll discuss SDL Macros -- and the LISTING
option -- in part three of this tutorial series.
The / T option will perform a test compile of any single menu or of your
entire system. SDL will compile the menus you specify, but doesn't actually
write any .CTL files as a result. This is useful when you want to test to make
sure you've written your SDL source code correctly. If you've made any
errors in your SDL source code, a quick test compile with SDL and the / T
option will notify you of them with an error message.
Next issue, we'll examine the syntax of TBBS's System Definition Language --
the way to actually phrase your SDL commands so the compiler will
understand them. Until then, practice using the SDL compiler. Try
decompiling your menus. Use MEDIT to examine each .CTL file and your
word processor to examine the ASCII SDL source file closely.
As an added exercise, copy one of your menu .CTL files to a file with a new
name (keeping the .CTL extension), so you have a menu file you can play
with. Use MEDIT to change something in the new menu file you've created,
then decompile the changed menu to SDL. See if you can spot the changes by
looking at the resulting .SDL source file with your text editor. Then, use
your text editor to try and change the menu BACK the way it was. Compile the
changed menu with SDL and see how the new .CTL file looks with MEDIT.
Try these exercises a few times and you'll not only be ready for the next part,
you'll be ahead of the rest of the class. See you then.
Part 2: Building Menus
The TBBS System Definition Language Compiler (SDL), is easier than it looks.
Simply put, it's just a different approach to designing and maintaining all of
your TBBS system's menus. Although you don't have to give up the
comfortable menu-driven MEDIT program completely, you probably will --
after you start getting the drift of SDL -- because SDL is a complete
replacement for MEDIT in every way.
In our first installment in this series, we examined the SDL compiler and
decompiler and actually put both to work. Now, as promised, we're going to
look closely at the language itself.
The TBBS System Definition Language is written using a variety of
commands. These commands are written, usually one per line, in ASCII text
files, called SDL source files. SDL source files are written and modified
using any word processor or text editor capable of creating and editing
ASCII text.
Within any SDL source file, menus are defined in two basic parts: Macro
Definition and Menu Definition. We'll deal with Macros and how they work
within your SDL source code in the next installment of this series.
Each menu definition in an SDL source code listing is begun with the
"Menu:" Directive, followed by the name of the menu that's being defined. A
Menu Definition section is ended with the "EndMenu:" Directive.
Everything between the "Menu:" and "EndMenu:" Directives defines the
menu named in the "Menu:" opening Directive.
Menu titles are written between the "Title:" Directive and the "EndTitle:"
directive. Each of these Directives is typed on a line by itself and
everything typed on the lines between them will appear as the title of
a TBBS menu on your system when the SDL source file is compiled.
Let's take another look at the sample menu we worked with in the last
installment of this series:
<R>ead Messages
Key=R Type=6 Opt Data=Bulletin Board
You should now be able to see that this menu definition will create a .CTL file
named MENU1000.CTL. The menu's title, as it will appear on the compiled
TBBS system, will be "READ TBBS MESSAGES". Another menu could be
started, in the above SDL source listing, by typing "Menu:" and a different
menu's name on a single line following the "EndMenu:" directive.
If you've done any work with MEDIT at all, it's fairly easy to see that SDL
makes the simple task of writing out a menu's title even easier. And it gets
The "Billing:" Directive follows the "Menu:" Directive in the above example.
This assigns a TBBS Billing Class to the menu that's being defined. If you
don't specify a Billing Class in your menu, it will default to a Billing
Class of 0. For a complete discussion of TBBS Billing classes and how they
work, see pages 2-14 through 2-16 in the TBBS manual.
Now you know how to start and stop, assign a billing class and create a title
for each of your menus with SDL. The next step is to set up each of your
menu's options. This is done with the "Entry:" block Directive.
The "Entry:" block is usually entered following the "EndTitle" Directive.
Keywords following an "Entry:" Directive define each option that will be
offered on the menu being defined. In your SDL source file, you just write
"Entry:" (without the quotes) on a line by itself to start an "Entry:" block.
In the sample menu above, there are five lines of text following the "Entry:"
Directive. These will set up one menu entry line that will be seen by a user
with his or her A1 flag set to "--X-----". It's a Type 6 menu option (Retrieve
Messages) and will be activated when the user presses an "R." In this case,
theuser will be presented with messages that have been posted on the BULLETIN
BOARD message base, as specified in the "OPT DATA=Bulletin Board" statement.
Be sure to examine the sample menu above carefully as you read through the
above paragraph. Notice, for example, that only the A1 flags are defined. The
above "Entry:" block could also have included definitions for the A2, A3 and
A4 flags. They were omitted in the above example because only the A1 flag
was important to that menu option. Any time you don't define a flag setting
in the text following an "Entry:" Directive, SDL assumes those flags to
be "--------".
Remember that each "Entry:" block is ended by the next Directive (which
could be another "Entry:" Directive) or by the "EndMenu:" directive.
As I pointed out earlier, SDL works very much like MEDIT. The main
difference is that SDL lets you do everything in a text file, with your
favorite word processor. Believe it or not we've already covered
everything you need to start writing SDL source files of your own. One
other Directive -- "Include:" -- is discussed when we examine Advanced SDL
issues, in a later chapter.
Before we start writing SDL source code, however, we need to review some of
the principals of the language's syntax. Keep the following points in mind
and your SDL source files will compile with the least number of errors
As we've already discussed, SDL source files are basically divided into
sections of two distinct types: Macro Definition and Menu Definition. Each
of these sections is delimited by a beginning and ending Directive. Thus,
each Macro Definition begins with "Macro:MacroName" and ends with "EndMacro."
Each Menu Definition begins with "Menu:MenuName" and ends with "EndMenu."
There is one exception to this rule. When you start a new section of the same
type as the previous one, you don't need to end each section with the "End:"
Directive. For example, when you're defining several menus within your
SDL source file, you would start each menu with an appropriate
"Menu:MenuName" Directive, but you only have to include an "EndMenu"
directive on the last menu definition in the chain. It goes something like
. Body of Menu 1000
. Body of Menu 2000
. Body of Menu 3000
As we've discovered, these are the heart and soul of any SDL source file.
When writing Directives into your SDL source file, remember that they must
always begin with the first non-blank character of a line. Directives also
cannot contain any embedded blanks and they must always end with a colon.
They can include an argument (such as a menu name on the "Menu:"
Directive line, or the name of a macro on the "Macro:" Directive line), but
anything past the argument (or past the Directive, if there is no argument)
will be treated as a comment to the end of the line and will be ignored by SDL
when compiling your source file into menus.
Keywords are used to specify arguments, which can be either Numeric, Flag
settings or Text. Keywords are always ended with an equal sign and are
followed by the keyword's argument. You can place keywords and arguments
several to a line if you wish, or you may give each a line of its own.
Arguments are always ended with one or more spaces or the end of a line.
In the sample source above, the keywords are "A1=" "Key=" "Type=" and
"Opt Data=". The text following each is that keyword's argument. They
could just as easily have been written out like this:
A1=--X----- Key=R Type=6 Opt Data=Bulletin Board
The one EXCEPTION to the above rules is "Opt Data=". SDL will consider
ALL the text that follows this keyword as a text parameter, to the end of the
line. This means that the "Opt Data=" keyword must be the last entry on a
Except for the text you enter between a "Title:" and "EndTitle:" Directive,
upper and lower case are not considered unique by SDL. You are perfectly free
to use capitalization in your SDL code in any way that will make it easier for
you to follow.
You may indent your SDL source files any way you wish. Whatever makes
them easier for you to read. The one exception to this is text between the
"Title:" and "EndTitle:" Directives. Any text appearing between these two
Directives will display on your menu exactly as it was written in the source
file. Everywhere else, however, SDL considers any number of spaces as a
single space, and will thus ignore the spacing you used when writing it.
To indicate to SDL that you want a control character to become part of a menu
when your source file is processed, it must be preceded by a "^" (without the
quotes). Thus, "control A" would be entered in your source code file as "^A"
(without the quotes). Of course, this means the "^" character is special in
SDL. If you wish to use it by itself, so it will display on a menu's title,
for example, you must enter it twice ("^^") in your SDL source file. This
tells SDL "I really want a "^" to appear here -- NOT a control character." A
list ofthe 32 control characters and what they are appears on page 7-4 in your
TBBS manual.
It's always nice to add comments to your SDL source files, to remind you of
why you did certain things, and to let other people who may have to use your
SDL source files know what's going on. Comments in SDL are simple: just
start a line with a semi-colon (;) and anything that follows it on the rest
of the line will be ignored. Needless to say, you can't enter comments
inside of a "Title" or "Entry" text block or they will appear as part of
your TBBS menu.
; This could be a comment in your SDL
; file. If you need more than one line
; just keep using semi-colons and text
Longer comments can be placed between a "Remark:" and its corresponding
"EndRemark:" Directive. This is indeed another SDL Directive, but its sole
purpose is to allow you to include blocks of text within your SDL source files.
The "Remark:" Directive is used just like the "Title:" Directive.
Proper use of comments and "Remark:" blocks within your SDL source files
allows you to actually include documentation for your source files within the
source itself. This can be a big help when you go back to modify your system
You now have all the tools you need to create an entire TBBS system with
SDL. Next issue, we'll look at adding POWER tools to your arsenal -- SDL's
Macros and other advanced considerations.
Until then, your assignment is to add two more options to the sample menu
above. One should be "Write Messages" and the other should be "<G>oodbye
-- Log Off System". Make the "<W>rite Messages" option available to users
with their A1 flags set to "--X-----" and the "<G>oodbye" option available to
any caller. Try compiling the menu (be sure to copy the source file and
SDL.COM and SDLDC.COM into a subdirectory OTHER than your current
working TBBS subdirectory).
Part 3: Using Macros
The TBBS System Definition Language Compiler (SDL), is easier than it looks.
Simply put, it's just a different approach to designing and maintaining all of
your TBBS system's menus. Although you don't have to give up the
comfortable menu-driven MEDIT program completely, you probably will --
after you start getting the drift of SDL -- because SDL is a complete
replacement for MEDIT in every way.
In our first two installments we've covered all the basics you need to write
working SDL source code and create menus. Now it's time to learn how to
drastically cut down the time and effort you spend -- with SDL Macros.
Macros can actually reduce cumbersome often-repeated source code to a few
simple keystrokes. And they're surprisingly easy to create and use.
What are MACROs?
SDL Macros are like abbreviations, but much more compressed. They're a
TBBS menu designer's shorthand. If you run Lotus 1-2-3 or any one of the
popular DOS macro programs, you're probably already familiar with the
general concept of macros.
SDL Macros are created by typing a Macro Directive into your SDL source
code. The Macro Directive names and defines each of your Macros. You
decide how many Macros you wish to use, what their names are and what
they mean.
Just think of SDL Macros as a way to customize SDL to your own liking by
adding your own commands which can stand for any text you'd like.
Once you've defined a series of macros, the text they represent is then
included in your expanded source code listings (and in the menus that result
from compiling your source code), placed wherever you've used the
matching Macro Callouts in your SDL source code (we'll take a look at Macro
Callouts in a minute).
You can, for example, define a Macro to represent the authorization flag
settings for one class of user on your system. Then, whenever you type the
name of that Macro in your SDL code (the Macro Callout), that particular
configuration of authorization flag settings will appear in your expanded
source code listing and in the TBBS menu that results when you compile the
complete SDL source code listing.
The first step is to define the Macros you'll be using. This is done, anywhere
within your SDL source code file, with the Macro: Directive.
The Macro: Directive works like the Menu: Directive we learned about
earlier. In your source code, type "Macro:" followed by the name you wish to
assign to that particular Macro.
For example, to create a Macro named "Users" you would type "Macro: Users"
on one line. Then, on the lines following the Macro name, you would type
the text that Macro will represent. Macro names can include any
alphanumeric characters, including the special characters _ # $ and &, in any
combination, up to 128 characters in length.
The standard Macro Definition structure looks something like this:
Macro: Users
. Body of Macro "Users"
Macro: MoreUsers
. Body of Macro "MoreUsers"
The body of your Macro is everything that appears between the "Macro:
name" and the "EndMacro:" Directives. This is the actual text or menu
definition information that will appear, wherever you place the appropriately
named Macro Callout in your source code, in your compiled system menus
and expanded SDL source code listings.
Macro Callouts are simply an @ sign followed by the Macro's name. To call
out our sample Macro, with the name Users, you would simply type:
anywhere in your SDL source code where you want the text you've defined
with the Macro: Users Directive to appear.
Macro Callouts can be included in any SDL source code text, including Text
Definition blocks. This makes the @ character special. SDL will think you are
calling out a Macro whenever the character appears in your text unless you
type two @@'s in a row instead. This is the way you tell SDL that you want a
single @ sign to be treated as text.
Ordinarily, a single space between the end of your Macro Callout and the
continuation of your text is enough to tell SDL where your macro name ends,
but not always. For example, if a Macro, named UserDrive, was defined to
replace the drive designator D:, it could be written like this:
and would be called out like this:
but, inside a string of text, you might run into a situation where you want to
use the macro like this:
Opt Data=@UserDrive \PATH\USERS
Note the space following the @UserDrive callout above. This is necessary, to
tell SDL that the Macro Callout has ended and the pathname, which is the
continuation of your source code text, has begun. But, when SDL expands
this Macro, as you compile your source code, you'll get an unwanted space
between the resulting D: drive designator and the pathname, like this:
In cases like this, just type a + sign at the end of your Macro Callout to tell
SDL you've reached the end of the callout, without the extra space. For
would properly expand to:
Ordinarily, the + sign isn't necessary at the end of Macro Callouts outside of
text strings, but you can use this convention any time you wish.
If you want to reduce your keystrokes (and source code) even more, SDL's
Macro Parameter Passing can be the answer. With Parameter Passing, you can
specify up to nine arguments within your Macro Definition (with %1, %2, %3
and so on, through %9), then actually define each of those arguments in each
Macro Callout, changing them with each Callout as you see fit.
This sounds more complex than it really is. Actually, Parameter Passing is
just a way to make selected Macros more flexible. For example, you COULD
create the following different Macro definitions:
Macro: Define1
Type=34 Key=D Opt Data=C:\FILES\DNLD
Macro: Define2
Type=28 Key=F Opt Data=C:\FILES\UPLD
These two Macros would be called out with the @DEFINE1 and @DEFINE2
callouts, respectively. This is a perfectly acceptable way to do it. But you
could, instead, define this SINGLE Macro:
Macro: Define
Type=%1 Key=%2 Opt Data=%3
and call it out several different ways in your SDL source code. In the above
example Macro, we've used three Parameters for the actual menu
configuration data. The number of each Parameter tells SDL how to order the
list of variable Parameters that you'll specify when you call out the above
Macro in your SDL source code. For example, you could call out the SAME
example Macro two different ways:
This would give you the same result as the two DIFFERENT Macro definitions
and Macro Callouts in the preceding example.
Notice that your arguments are stated within parenthesis, in the order in
which you wish them to be placed. The parentheses always follow the Macro
Callout, with no spaces between them and the Callout.
You can include embedded and trailing spaces in your Macro Callout
arguments. However, you must enclose your arguments within single or
double quotes if you want to include leading spaces, commas or parenthesis as
part of a Macro parameter.
Arguments within Macro Parameters can be mixed any way you wish, as long
as there are no more than the nine total that are allowed. You can also leave
out arguments when calling out a Macro with parameters. When a Macro
Callout with blank parameters is expanded, the missing arguments will be
blank in your compiled menu and expanded source code listing. This
capability can be useful for those TBBS menu options that automatically
revert to default settings when left blank. Why type more than you have to?
Another quick and easy way to use Macros within your SDL code is the Equate
Directive. The Equate Directive works like a Macro and follows all of the
rules of Macro definition, but it's defined on a single line. Equate
Directives are especially handy if you want to define a single parametric value. For
Equate: DataFiles = D:\TBBS\DATAFILE
defines exactly the same macro as:
Macro: DataFiles
Equates are called out exactly the same way as you would call out any Macro.
The Equate we defined in the above example could be called out like this:
Opt Data=@DataFiles+\FILE1
This type of equate can be very useful if you move areas around on your disk
drive. You need only change the equate and recompile your menus. All of
the menu commands which reference files will automatically begin to look in
the new area. You avoid the need to track down and change each entry
You can use Parameter Passing or any other Macro feature within your Equate
Directives, as long as you can fit it all on a single line.
If you want to get the most power out of your SDL macros you can also
include Macros within your Macros. This is called Macro Call Nesting. You
can even use Macro Callouts in other Macro definitions or as parameters
within Macro Callouts.
This ability to incorporate Macros within Macros allows you to effectively
double up on your customized "SDL shorthand" as you create new Macros.
Macros can be nested in this way up to 25 levels deep.
There are some excellent examples of Macro Nesting in your TBBS manual
(pages 7-8 and 7-9) and we'll cover this capability in depth in the final
installment of this series. We'll take a look at some favorite SDL tricks and
tips and generally wrap up all the loose ends then, too.
Until then, take time to experiment with Macros. Try using them in your
SDL code. Create at least one Macro Definition that includes a Macro Callout
within it and we'll check your progress next issue.
Part 4: Advanced Techniques
We've gained a solid handle on SDL in the first three partsof this articles. In
fact, we've covered everything you need to know to create and maintain all of
your TBBS menus with SDL. Now we're going take a look at some of SDL's
more advanced capabilities.
Macro Call Nesting
Last chapter, we looked briefly at Macro call nesting. Simply put, Macro call
nesting is the ability to include SDL Macros within other SDL Macros. This
capability can also be used to use Macros as parameters to other Macros. This
is a potentially cumulative capability. Macros containing other Macros can be
nested inside still other Macros, and so on, up to 25 levels deep.
For example, let's create a couple of macros:
Macro: Action
Type=%1 Key=%2 OptData=%3
Macro: Download
Macro: Path
Now let's call out the above Macros, using some as Nested Macro Callouts:
@Action(@Download,N,@Path+\FILES /NTL)
... for example, would expand to:
In the above example, the "@Download" and "@Path" Macro callouts, inside
the parenthesis, are examples of Nested Macro Callouts being used as
parameters to another Macro.
Although Macros are traditionally used by most computer software packages
to reduce keystrokes, you might have noticed that the Macros in the above
example are actually longer, in most cases, than the character strings they
invoked. Although the Macros might be longer, in the above example
they're still useful to help the TBBS system designer organize the various
disk drives, subdirectories and menu option types that might be used in a
given TBBS system. It's much easier to remember "@Download," for
example, than it is to remember that a Type 46 menu command invokes a
Pseudo Download Function.
The Include: Directive
The Include: Directive is yet another aid to organizing your SDL code. You
may have noticed by now that all the SDL code for a complete TBBS system
can be incorporated into a single text file. With a large TBBS system, a single
SDL source code file can get bulky. The Include: Directive, lets you effectively
break up potentially source code files into multiple files, but still call them up
for compilation as if they were all part of a single source code file.
It's kind of like eating a large meal one bite at a time. That's always easier
than trying to dump a whole plate down your throat all at once.
To use the Include: Directive, simply type "Include:" followed by the full DOS
drive designator, path and, finally the name of the file that you wish to
include in your source code. An Include: Directive to insert a source file
named MAILMENU.SDL residing in your \MENUS subdirectory might look
like this in your main SDL source code:
Include: Directive files cannot have Include: Directives in them. Only the
original SDL file can have them. But, you can use Include: Directives inside
Macros in your original file. Just remember that Include: Directives in
Macros won't be executed until those Macros are expanded.
The Include: directive is especially useful when you make libraries of macro
commands. You can then invoke these standard macros by using the Include:
directive in any SDL source file you create.
Conditional Compilation
Early in this series, we examined SDL's array of compilation options. One
advanced SDL compile capability we haven't yet examined is the Conditional
SDL's conditional compilation capabilities allow you to create and maintain
several different systems within a single source code file or series of source
code files. This capability is especially useful, for example, to computer
consultants who might need to manage several different TBBS systems for a
number of clients. Consultants who sell turnkey TBBS systems to their
clients can use conditional compilation to create a single "basic" source code
listing which is capable of creating a multitude of entirely different TBBS
systems, depending on the commands given when he or she compiles each
This capability also allows you to construct complex macros which condition
their actions on how many or what types of input parameters they are called
with. You could use this capability to offer an option to <S>can Messages in
some of your system's message bases, but not in others.
The syntax is straightforward. A Conditional Block is entered in an SDL
source code listing, opening with either an If: or an IfNot: statement and
closed by an Endif: statement. All lines of code appearing between the
conditional opening and closing statement are either enacted upon or
ignored, depending upon whether they match the opening statement.
A conditional block looks like this:
If: string1=string2
lines of code which will be
compiled if they match the
conditional string)
IfNot: string1=string2
. lines of code which will NOT
. be compiled if they match the
. conditional string)
The If: and IfNot: blocks you've entered into your source code are acted upon
when you compile your SDL source code into a TBBS system menu or series
of menus. Since If: and IfNot: blocks entered into Macros will not take effect
until the Macro is expanded, you can perform two or more tasks with the
same Macro. An example is:
Macro: Action
Key=%1 Type=%2
IfNot: %3=
Opt Data=%3
Note that the second string is absent in the IfNot: statement. This makes the
IfNot: test for the presence or absence of the third parameter in the macro. If
%3 expands to any text at all, it will fail to match an empty string (nothing)
and generate the Opt Data portion of the command. For example:
Would expand to:
Key=K Type=11
However, if a third parameter is added to the callout the expansion changes.
For example:
Would expand to:
Key=E Type=5 Opt Data=EMAIL
ANSI and Graphics in TBBS Menus
By far, the one SDL capability most often asked about is the ability to include
ANSI and graphics in TBBS menus. This is easier than it at first appears.
It is possible to enter graphics display strings in your SDL source code because
SDL allows direct entry of control characters and ANSI characters in a source
file. This makes the task of designing graphics screens for your TBBS menus
a fairly simple one.
You simply insert the proper ANSI or graphics characters in your SDL source
code in the menu's Title: or Entry: Directive text block. These can be
commands to draw something as simple as a box or as complex as a screen
drawing of a landscape. Your only real limit is the number of characters that
can be included in an Entry: Directive (1000 characters). You can get around
this limit by using several Entry: directives with a portion of the text on each
one. There are some good examples of such SDL files on the support board
for your reference.
In either case, just include all of your system's menu commands in whatever
ANSI or graphics screen drawing you devise, so they display as part of your
drawing. If you were drawing a simple box, a list of that particular menu's
available commands should be displayed inside the box. On a landscape, you
could run the list of commands across the bottom or top of the screen, or
maybe have them appear on a tree trunk, if you're so inclined.
Next, set up all of the menu's appropriate Entry: Directives, but don't include
a text line for each of the commands that are available on that menu. Skip
the text line for each Entry: Directive, setting up each of the menu's available
commands without them. Then, your menu will display the graphics menu
you've drawn with ANSI codes and NOT the usual ASCII text lines you
insert in each Entry:Directive, but each of the menu's defined keys will still
But, how exactly do you draw with ANSI codes? This is essentially an art and
precise instruction is far beyond the scope of an article of this size. The ANSI
codes themselves are listed on the last page of the Overview section of your
TBBS manual. If you're patient, it's best to enter ANSI graphics codes directly
into your SDL source code. A working knowledge of ANSI graphics codes
will allow you to create a series of SDL Macros that draw specific lines and
boxes that you might want to use regularly and these can then do a lot of the
repetitive work for you. Examples of such macros are also available on the
TBBS support BBS for downloading.
But, there is another way...
Many TBBS system designers use a popular ANSI graphics drawing program,
such as THEDRAW (available on the eSoft Support BBS). With THEDRAW,
you can actually DRAW your graphics on-screen, without having to know
the actual ANSI codes that are being used. The program then allows you to
SAVE your drawings to an ASCII text file that will contain all the ANSI
graphics codes that were used to draw the screen you've created.
Once you've drawn your menu screen with a program like THEDRAW, then
saved it to disk, you can pull the resulting ANSI code file into your SDL
source code with almost any word processor, inserting it right where you
want it to display. This method sometimes requires minor additional editing,
so an understanding of how ANSI works is still useful, but it's usually not
necessary. The only editing you will normally need is to break the ASCII file
into sections which are smaller than 1000 characters each and adding the
Entry: directive in front of each one.
And that's literally everything you need to know to consider yourself an
experienced, capable SDL programmer. Like any language, you'll find
yourself learning continually as you go, adding to your bag of tricks by trial
and error.